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Multi-Factor Authentication


Multi-Factor Authentication requires you to authenticate with a One-Time Passcode (OTP) that is sent to your email address. By accessing your email, you verify the identity of the person making the sign-in attempt. Your primary email address is automatically enrolled as an authenticator.

First-Time login via Multi-Factor Authentication

  1. Open the Self Service Portal.
  2. Enter your Email Address and Password on the login page and click the Sign In button.
  3. Okta multi-factor authentication page shows up.
  4. Click the Setup button on the Okta page.
  5. Click Send me the code button.
  6. You will receive an email from Okta that contains an OTP. In case no email is received, you can request a new OTP to be sent via the Re-send code button.
  7. Enter the OTP on the Okta page. Then, click the Verify button.
  8. Once the code has been verified, you will receive an email confirming your successful setup for the
    second authentication method.

Sub-sequent login to the Self Service Portal

  1. Navigate to the Self Service Portal.
  2. Enter Email Address and Password on the login page and click the Sign In button.
  3. Click Send me the code button.
  4. In case you do not receive an email with the OTP or it expires, you can click Send again button to receive a new email with new OTP.
  5. Enter the OTP in the field Verification code and click the Verify button.
Self Service Portal

Account management